Impact of Covid -19 on Occupancy Rate at the Grand Nusantara Hotel


  • Dinda Puspita Ireva STIM Sukma Medan
  • Diana Suksesiwaty STIM Sukma Medan


Impact of Covid-19, Hotel Occupancy


The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the occupancy rate at the Grand Nusantara Hotel and to find out what strategies the hotel is implementing to be able to survive to continue operating during a pandemic. The research method used in this study is a descriptive/qualitative technique which describes the description of the data on the number of occupancy rates of the Grand Nusantara Hotel before Covid-19 and after Covid-19, using observation, interview and documentation guidelines. The results of the research on the occupancy rate of Grand Nusantara Hotel before covid-19 with a total of 4,630 guests in 1 year, namely 2019. Then after covid-19 the occupancy rate decreased significantly to 1,643 or around 183% in 2020, then experienced a slight increase in 2021 with the number of guests was 2,046 or around 20% from 2020. However, it still could not come close to the pre-covid-19 occupancy rate. Efforts made by Grand Nusantara Hotel to remain capable of operating during a pandemic are marketing techniques that are quite good during a pandemic, such as: preparing products according to the needs of potential guests during a pandemic, making promo prices, and marketing them through OTAs and websites that they have.


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How to Cite

Ireva, D. P., & Suksesiwaty, D. (2023). Impact of Covid -19 on Occupancy Rate at the Grand Nusantara Hotel. Jurnal, 1(1), 40–46. Retrieved from


