The Effect of Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at Grand Inna Medan


  • Edi Winata STIM Sukma Medan


Work life balance, job satisfaction, employee performance


This research aims to find out and prove whether work life balance and job satisfaction affect employee performance at Grand Inna Medan with a total of 38 respondents from Grand Inna employees. The regression analysis used is multiple linear regression with the results of the study stating that work life with the results of the coefficient of determination test where R2 is 56.1% this indicates that the work life balance and job satisfaction variables are able to explain the variations that occur in the performance of Grand Inna Medan employees, while the remaining 43.9% is explained by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the simultaneous test that Fhitung>Ftable then simultaneously work life balance and job satisfaction affect employee performance. While the results of the partial test state that the work life balance thitung < t table, the work life has no effect on employee performance. While job satisfaction with thitung> from ttable, job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect with a significance of 0.000 <0.05.


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How to Cite

Winata, E. (2023). The Effect of Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at Grand Inna Medan. Jurnal, 1(1), 59–63. Retrieved from


