The Impact of Online Games on Student Achievement


  • Silvi Pratiwi Universitas Asahan
  • Agustina Nasution Universitas Asahan
  • Mailani Mailani Universitas Asahan


online game, achievement


The Research being conducted has two goals: to learn about and gather information on the effects of playing online games on learning outcomes for women and to see what steps are being taken to address these effects. This study used a qualitative method using deskriptif coding. According to the study's findings, the link between playing online games and academic achievement is weak because the more frequently they are played, the more likely they are to cause players to become discouraged about their performance and give up on their jobs. They also found that playing games online can prevent players from completing their assignments on time. The final action that the teacher takes is to address the negative impact of this online game's dampening on student learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Pratiwi, S., Nasution, A., & Mailani, M. (2023). The Impact of Online Games on Student Achievement. Jurnal, 1(1), 64–67. Retrieved from


