An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writing Descriptive Text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 Academic Year


  • Sundari Universitas Asahan
  • Agnes Timisela Universitas Asahan


Error Analysis, Descriptive, Writing


This research was conducted to find out the most common mistake made in writing a descriptive text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 academic year. What are the most common errors made by tenth grade students in writing descriptive text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 academic year? to answer the problem of this study, the research used some theories from: Huy (2015), Cresswell (2012),  Brown (2000), and Corder (1981). To conduct this research, the research used qualitative method. After analyzing the data, the research found that the four types of error found in this research based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy, they were omission, addition, misformation, and misordering with total errors were 29 errors. The occurrences of omission error was 15 or 1.5%. The occurrences of addition error was 1 or 0.1%. The occurrences of misformation error was 6 or 0.6%. The occurrences of misordering error was 7 or 0.7%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the most common error made by students in writing descriptive text was 1.5% occurances in omission. Hence, we concluded that the students’ most common error was omission


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How to Cite

Sundari, & Timisela, A. (2023). An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writing Descriptive Text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 Academic Year . Jurnal, 1(1), 73–78. Retrieved from


