The Effect of Price and Promotion on Increasing Sales Volume at Panglong Tarclo Jaya


  • victori anta STIM Sukma Medan
  • Nurhayati Nurhayati


Price, Sales Volume, Promotion


Panglong Tarclo Jaya is a company engaged in the supply of building materials. Very often companies experience a decrease in sales volume caused by several factors such as price and promotion. This study aims to determine whether price and promotion affect sales volume at Panglong Tarclo Jaya. The results of this research show that the better the price and promotion, the higher the sales volume. Partially, the price variable has no significant effect on sales volume, but the promotion variable has a significant effect on sales volume. But simultaneously the price and promotion variables have a positive and significant effect on sales volume.


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How to Cite

anta, victori, & Nurhayati, N. (2023). The Effect of Price and Promotion on Increasing Sales Volume at Panglong Tarclo Jaya. Jurnal, 1(1), 5–11. Retrieved from


