Jurnal 2024-04-29T23:56:18+07:00 Open Journal Systems The Influence Of Product Quality And Brand Image On Purchasing Decisions At Teko Healthy Restaurant, Medan 2024-04-25T12:32:08+07:00 Dery Sepriansyah Yuliana Yuliana Weny Weny Tasik Utama <p>Product quality is something that must be considered to the maximum so that the product has its own advantages and can satisfy consumer needs, thus companies that have superior product quality can compete with other companies. Meanwhile, Brand Image is able to modify, make a change to a product that initially the product looks ordinary, less known and even less interested by many people, but with the brand the product can become a product that has a fantastic selling value or become a dream product for all consumers. Purchasing decisions are the beliefs of consumers in deciding to buy products or services by considering and taking into account alternatives to the many product choices. The aim to be achieved in this study is to determine how much influence product quality and brand image have on customer purchasing decisions at Teko Healthy Resto Medan. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The number of respondents/samples was 30 customers with the sampling technique being purposive sampling. The magnitude of the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y) is 59.3%. With the results of this coefficient of determination, it can be concluded that the purchasing decisions of Teko Healthy Resto customers are influenced by product quality and brand image by 59.3%, while the remaining 40.7% is the contribution of other factors that can be explained by other variables outside the model.</p> 2023-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dery Sepriansyah, Yuliana Yuliana, Weny Weny, Tasik Utama Analyze for Product Quality and Trust on Customer Loyalty PT. Golgon Medan 2024-04-26T23:35:01+07:00 Hansen Winata Fahmi Sulaiman Dewi Anggraini Anggia Arif <p>PT Golgol Medan experienced a decline in customer loyalty that can be seen from the sales data this was suspected due to product quality and trust. The aim of this research is to investigate whether product quality and trust have influence towards customer loyalty on PT Golgol Medan.Product quality and trust have an important role in shaping customer loyalty. Product quality and promotion are highly connected with customer loyalty and sales data. In this research, the writer used quantitative research design and SPSS.. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The sample size was 64 customers. The results of hypothesis test showed that product quality and trust have an influence on customer loyalty. Recommendations for PT Golgol Medan include improve product quality and trust by using quality raw materials and in accordance with standards such as plastic seeds used.</p> 2023-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hansen Winata, Fahmi Sulaiman, Dewi Anggraini, Anggia Arif THE INFLUENCE OF BRAND IMAGE AND PRODUCT QUALITY ON PURCHASING DECISIONS AT PT. PUTRA RAJA KEMENANGAN MEDAN 2024-04-29T23:56:18+07:00 Rebicka Ketrin Elserra Siemin Ciamas Ngajudin Nugroho Sutarno <p>The author's aim in conducting this research is to test and analyze the influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions at PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan which is address at JL. Villa Gading Mas II, Medan - North Sumatra. Based on the sales table , it can be concluded that there was a decline in sales from 2019-2022, this was due to PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan is still not that well-known compared to other similar companies, which makes consumers prefer companies that are well-known. The packaging of the bird's nest wallet that will be sold is thinner than other companies, so many consumers complain about the product and the quality of the product is lacking if compared to other companies, resulting in decreased purchasing decisions at PT Putra Raja Selamat Medan. The research population that will be used in the research is all consumers who have made purchases at PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan in 2022 totaling 8950 and the number of samples taken in this study used the Slovin formula and obtained 99 samples. Based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing using the F-test, it is known that the Brand Image and Product Quality variables have Fcount (10.456) &gt; Ftable (3.09) with a significance of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between Brand Image and Product Quality simultaneously influence Purchase Decision at PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination, it is known that purchase decision can be explained by the Brand Image and Product Quality variables of 17.9%, while the remaining 82.1% is influenced by other factors outside this research. This indicates that the influence of Brand Image and Product Quality on Purchase Decision is quite low.</p> <p>Keywords: Brand Image, Product Quality and Purchasing Decisions</p> <ol> <li>The author's aim in conducting this research is to test and analyze the influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions at PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan which is address at JL. Villa Gading Mas II, Medan - North Sumatra. Based on the sales table , it can be concluded that there was a decline in sales from 2019-2022, this was due to PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan is still not that well-known compared to other similar companies, which makes consumers prefer companies that are well-known. The packaging of the bird's nest wallet that will be sold is thinner than other companies, so many consumers complain about the product and the quality of the product is lacking if compared to other companies, resulting in decreased purchasing decisions at PT Putra Raja Selamat Medan. The research population that will be used in the research is all consumers who have made purchases at PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan in 2022 totaling 8950 and the number of samples taken in this study used the Slovin formula and obtained 99 samples. Based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing using the F-test, it is known that the Brand Image and Product Quality variables have Fcount (10.456) &gt; Ftable (3.09) with a significance of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between Brand Image and Product Quality simultaneously influence Purchase Decision at PT. Putra Raja Kemenangan Medan. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination, it is known that purchase decision can be explained by the Brand Image and Product Quality variables of 17.9%, while the remaining 82.1% is influenced by other factors outside this research. This indicates that the influence of Brand Image and Product Quality on Purchase Decision is quite low.<br>Keywords: Brand Image, Product Quality and Purchasing Decisions</li> </ol> 2023-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rebicka Ketrin, Elserra Siemin Ciamas, Ngajudin Nugroho, Sutarno Utilization of Coconut Shell Waste which is One of the Sources of Community Income 2023-05-28T23:42:16+07:00 Khairisa Putri Simamora Kartika Sari Lubis Ruwina Puspita Sembiring Haris Munandar Rrangkuti Syamsiah <p>This study aims to increase people's income by utilizing coconut shell waste. The basic ingredients obtained from coconut shell waste are very easy to find around us. The research method used by the author uses qualitative research methods. The data collection process was carried out by the author in several ways, namely by direct observation of the coconut shell waste treatment process and conducting interviews to obtain the required data. From the results of research that has been done, the authors get one of the results of handicrafts made by craftsmen, namely lanterns, this research was conducted on Jl. Sedap Malam Ujung, Patumbak Pasar 4. Coconut shell comes from the coconut shell which is still not used much compared to other parts of the coconut, although a small part has been processed into charcoal. Apart from being used as a raw material for charcoal for its visual characteristics, coconut shells can also be used as the main ingredient for making handicrafts. Utilization of coconut shell waste as a basic material for handicrafts can be done by several techniques by coconut shell craftsmen. With the utilization of this coconut shell waste, and with the existence of this creative economy which contains a concept in the new economic era that intensifies information and creativity by relying on ideas and knowledge from human resources (HR) as the main production factor in its economic activities. the most important factor in the development of the creative economy is the idea of business actors, then this creative economy can later affect the economy in Indonesia because human resources in Indonesia always have new ideas.</p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Khairisa Putri Simamora, Kartika Sari Lubis, Ruwina Puspita Sembiring, Haris Munandar Rrangkuti, Syamsiah The Effect Of The Snowball Throwing Learning Model On Students' Motivation And Learning Outcomes 2023-05-28T23:11:31+07:00 Pinta Romaito Br. Sagala Lily Rohanita Hasibuan <p>This study aims to determine: 1) the effect of the <em>snowball throwing</em> learning model on the learning motivation of students; 2) the effect of the <em>snowball throwing</em> learning model on the learning outcomes of students; 3) the effect of the <em>snowball throwing</em> learning model on the motivation and learning outcomes of students. This study uses a quantitative approach with pseduo experimental design. Sampling was carried out using <em>random sampling</em> technique, namely class X-2 totaling 28 students as a control class with the application of conventional learning models and class X-1 totaling 28 students as an experimental class with the application of the <em>Snowball Throwing</em> learning model. Based on the Manova-Test results, the F value for learning motivation is 8.751; p &lt; 0.05; and the F value of learning outcomes is 5.219; p &lt; 0.05 while in multivariate motivation and learning outcomes obtained is the F value of 5.204; p &lt; 0.05. That’s &nbsp;the F values are all significant. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of the <em>Snowball Throwing</em> learning model on student motivation and learning outcomes.</p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pinta Romaito Br. Sagala, Lily Rohanita Hasibuan An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writing Descriptive Text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 Academic Year 2023-05-28T22:04:16+07:00 Sundari Agnes Timisela <p>This research was conducted to find out the most common mistake made in writing a descriptive text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 academic year. What are the most common errors made by tenth grade students in writing descriptive text at X grade of Senior High School 1 Lima Puluh in 2021/2022 academic year? to answer the problem of this study, the research used some theories from: Huy (2015), Cresswell (2012),&nbsp; Brown (2000), and Corder (1981). To conduct this research, the research used qualitative method. After analyzing the data, the research found that the four types of error found in this research based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy, they were omission, addition, misformation, and misordering with total errors were 29 errors. The occurrences of omission error was 15 or 1.5%. The occurrences of addition error was 1 or 0.1%. The occurrences of misformation error was 6 or 0.6%. The occurrences of misordering error was 7 or 0.7%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the most common error made by students in writing descriptive text was 1.5% occurances in omission. Hence, we concluded that the students’ most common error was omission</p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sundari, Agnes Timisela Literature Study: Utilization of Audio-Visual Media in Science Subject Matter for Junior High School Students 2023-05-28T21:32:56+07:00 Rabiatul Adawiyah Siti Kholizah Risma Delima Harahap <p><em>This study was conducted to find out about the literature study of the use of audio-visual media in the science subject matter of junior high school students. The strategy used uses the systematic literature review (SLR) method. This research is based on the advantages of knowing the advantages, shortcomings and influence of audio-visual media as a learning medium. The collection of various journals and books on audio-visual media as a reference was obtained through the website publish and perish found 8 journals published in the last 7 years from 2022. The results of this study are audi-visual media influential to improve student learning outcomes from several studies.</em></p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rabiatul Adawiyah The Impact of Online Games on Student Achievement 2023-05-28T15:33:32+07:00 Silvi Pratiwi Agustina Nasution Mailani Mailani <p>The Research being conducted has two goals: to learn about and gather information on the effects of playing online games on learning outcomes for women and to see what steps are being taken to address these effects. This study used a qualitative method using deskriptif coding. According to the study's findings, the link between playing online games and academic achievement is weak because the more frequently they are played, the more likely they are to cause players to become discouraged about their performance and give up on their jobs. They also found that playing games online can prevent players from completing their assignments on time. The final action that the teacher takes is to address the negative impact of this online game's dampening on student learning outcomes.</p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Silvi Pratiwi The Effect of Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at Grand Inna Medan 2023-05-26T20:06:26+07:00 Edi Winata <p><em>This research aims to find out and prove whether work life balance and job satisfaction affect employee performance at Grand Inna Medan with a total of 38 respondents from Grand Inna employees. The regression analysis used is multiple linear regression with the results of the study stating that work life with the results of the coefficient of determination test where R<sup>2</sup> is 56.1% this indicates that the work life balance and job satisfaction variables are able to explain the variations that occur in the performance of Grand Inna Medan employees, while the remaining 43.9% is explained by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the simultaneous test that F<sub>hitung</sub>&gt;F<sub>table</sub> then simultaneously work life balance and job satisfaction affect employee performance. While the results of the partial test state that the work life balance t<sub>hitung</sub> &lt; t <sub>table</sub>, the work life has no effect on employee performance. While job satisfaction with t<sub>hitung</sub>&gt; from t<sub>table</sub>, job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect with a significance of 0.000 &lt;0.05.</em></p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Edi Winata Analysis of Employee Perfomance Effevtiveness based on Study SWOT Analysis Self-Service Repa Case 2023-05-26T18:46:30+07:00 Ernita Sopia Sitanggang Desy Irana Dewi Lubis <p>The purpose of this study is to find out what can increase the effectiveness of employee performance at Repa Swalayan. Human resources are needed by every company, therefore every company needs employees who can work optimally. The sample of this study was 20 employees of Repa Swalayan and employee attendance data in July 2022. The method of collecting data in this study was through field research, namely by irregular interviews, attendance data in July and giving questionnaires in the form of answers. Based on the data that has been obtained, it can be seen that the greatest employee performance effectiveness is on the motivation indicator with a presentation value of 75%. The results showed that this research in establishing effectiveness required preparedness, high commitment, motivation and absenteeism.</p> 2023-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ernita Sopia Sitanggang, Desy Irana Dewi Lubis The Implementation of Digital Marketing Through Instagram at Emerald Garden International Hotel Medan 2023-05-26T17:58:57+07:00 Agus Setiono Nurhayati Nurhayati Aswin Akbar <p><em>Digital Marketing is a series of marketing activities carried out by brands, companies or business organizations to reach potential audiences on the internet by using digital channels such as websites, email and or social media. Most people think that digital marketing is the exact same application as Internet Marketing or Online Marketing. Whether it's digital marketing, internet marketing or online marketing, they do have some similarities, but especially for digital marketing, it has a wider scope because it utilizes various digital channels or channels. The Instagram social media application, is one of the platforms that has become the most downloaded application on the Apps Store and Google Play for almost 5 consecutive quarters. This data is shared by analytics service Sensor Tower with details revealing that in the 2019 &amp; 2020 quarters Instagram got 33 million Downloads on App store. Just like other social media such as Youtube and Facebook, the Instagram application also introduces a new feature, namely Instagram For Business as a form of innovation and experimentation from the Instagram application to provide a place for business people to apply it. Instagram's new way to present a variety of new features, one of which is to start venturing into the e-commerce market by adding online shopping features. In addition to Instagram for business, currently Instagram has also added a feature in the form of links to e-commerce sites in profile biographies. This service is similar to Instagram in the profile section, where other users can open the link and go directly to the related site. That way, potential buyers can immediately see the user's online store. Although Instagram is a social media with an entertainment platform, the presence of Instagram For Business actually helps brand owners or business people to connect with the larger community, is easy to find by users through Instagram and builds a healthy social media environment by creating creativity in the community. Uploaded content and involving users in marketing campaigns run by a brand, business person or institution is not only seen but also inspired to create Instagram content with its own version. Several brands, business people, and institutions have started using Instagram.</em></p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agus Setiono, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Aswin Akbar Impact of Covid -19 on Occupancy Rate at the Grand Nusantara Hotel 2023-05-26T17:20:09+07:00 Dinda Puspita Ireva Diana Suksesiwaty <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the occupancy rate at the Grand Nusantara Hotel and to find out what strategies the hotel is implementing to be able to survive to continue operating during a pandemic. The research method used in this study is a descriptive/qualitative technique which describes the description of the data on the number of occupancy rates of the Grand Nusantara Hotel before Covid-19 and after Covid-19, using observation, interview and documentation guidelines. The results of the research on the occupancy rate of Grand Nusantara Hotel before covid-19 with a total of 4,630 guests in 1 year, namely 2019. Then after covid-19 the occupancy rate decreased significantly to 1,643 or around 183% in 2020, then experienced a slight increase in 2021 with the number of guests was 2,046 or around 20% from 2020. However, it still could not come close to the pre-covid-19 occupancy rate. Efforts made by Grand Nusantara Hotel to remain capable of operating during a pandemic are marketing techniques that are quite good during a pandemic, such as: preparing products according to the needs of potential guests during a pandemic, making promo prices, and marketing them through OTAs and websites that they have.</p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dinda Puspita Ireva Media Design Supporting Information Catalogs and Sales Promotions Using Adobe Photoshop on CV. Amoy Catering 2023-05-26T16:57:18+07:00 Fadhilah Sahara Diana Suksesiwaty Lubis <p>This study aims to promote a product by designing a media catalog that can be seen through social media by all consumers. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, and by using the Adobe Photoshop application to create the catalog design. The research results have been successfully implemented so that it is expected to be able to help customers find information about CV. Amoy Catering more easily.</p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fadhilah Sahara, Diana Suksesiwaty Lubis Acceleration of Tourism Development in the Process of Achieving an Increase in the Number of Tourists 2023-05-26T15:42:20+07:00 Reni Hamzah Juli Meliza Innesty Adelia Raymond Siagian Zainuddin Zainuddin <p>This study aims to find out how to accelerate or accelerate the process of tourism development in order to achieve an increase in the number of tourists in Indonesia. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation and documentation methods, data processing using SPSS. This study uses quantitative data that comes from the website of the BPS agency and the website of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The results of the study show that fashion, culinary and crafts have an effect on the number of tourists in Indonesia. Several strategies were carried out as an effort to accelerate tourism, especially in the culinary, fashion and handicraft fields.</p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reni Hamzah, Juli Meliza, Innesty Adelia, Raymond Siagian, Zainuddin Zainuddin Application of Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities to the Preparation of Financial Statements in MR MSMEs 2023-05-26T14:57:50+07:00 Syarifah Madhuri Ritonga Husni Mubarak <p>The purpose of this study is the purpose of this study is to apply financial accounting standards for micro, small and medium entities (sak-emkm) in preparing financial reports for UMKM MR. Data analysis used a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive method is a research method that seeks to describe and interpret objects with what is there. The results of the report that describe the condition of the object or subject under study are in accordance with what is there, in other words that describe descriptively systematically the objects and objects under study and must be precise. The data in this study were obtained from interviews conducted by researchers with informants. The interviews were conducted using an unstructured method and were carried out as relaxed as possible, with the aim of digging up more and deeper information from the informant. Accounting system in order to obtain more accurate data and to facilitate the process of analysis and preparation of financial reports using Micro, Small and Medium Entities (AK-EMKM). The results of the study show that (1) the business obtains a profit that is not too large or not comparable to the costs incurred, (2) The cost of raw and auxiliary materials is too high while the income/sales are not too much/not comparable, (3) the capital spent is sufficient large but the profits are relatively small, (4) the use of cash for business is not optimal so that business development is relatively slow, calculated for more than 40 years the business has been established, (5) withdrawals are quite large every month, because the business owner does not pay himself or does not calculating the energy that has been expended, so that to meet his daily needs he takes business money.</p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Syarifah Madhuri Ritonga, Husni Mubarak The Influence of The Marketing Mix on The Decisions Of Umkm In Choosing People's Business Credit in The Covid-19 Pandemic Time at Bri Unit Karya Medan 2023-05-26T13:24:45+07:00 Safitri Ayu Anggraini Ade Rahma Ayu <p>This study aims to determine the effect of the Marketing Mix on Purchasing Decisions in choosing KUR products at BRI Unit Karya Medan jointly or simultaneously and partially as well as knowing the variables that have a positive and negative effect on Decisions in choosing KUR products at BRI Unit Karya Medan. The type of research used is a quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses Non Probability Sampling using Accidental Sampling research types. The number of samples in this study amounted to 80 respondents. Methods of data collection through the distribution of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination, t test (partial) and F test (simultaneous). The results showed that the Fcount value was 6.338 with a significance of 0.000. Known ftable with an alpha of 5% or 0.05 of 2.14. The results of these calculations show that Fcount is greater than Ftable, namely 6.338 &gt; 2.14 with smaller significance than alpha, namely 0.000 &lt;0.005. Based on the results of the t test it can be seen that there is one independent variable that partially has a positive or significant influence on purchasing decisions, namely Process (process), while the variables that have no influence significant to Purchase Decision are Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People and Physical Evidence variables. The dominant variable on purchasing decisions is Process.</p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Safitri Ayu Anggraini, Ade Rahma Ayu The Effect of Price and Promotion on Increasing Sales Volume at Panglong Tarclo Jaya 2023-05-26T12:15:21+07:00 victori anta Nurhayati Nurhayati <p>Panglong Tarclo Jaya is a company engaged in the supply of building materials. Very often companies experience a decrease in sales volume caused by several factors such as price and promotion. This study aims to determine whether price and promotion affect sales volume at Panglong Tarclo Jaya. The results of this research show that the better the price and promotion, the higher the sales volume. Partially, the price variable has no significant effect on sales volume, but the promotion variable has a significant effect on sales volume. But simultaneously the price and promotion variables have a positive and significant effect on sales volume.</p> 2023-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 victori anta, Nurhayati Nurhayati The Phenomenon of The Development of Small And Medium Enterprises In The Midst of Oil Price Movements And Financial Management In The New Era Of The Pandemic 2023-05-24T17:38:15+07:00 Juli Meliza Yenny Obsi Satra <p>Purpose – This research aims to study the economic conditions of small and medium business actors living in coastal areas. Design/methodology/approach – The method used is a descriptive analysis method supported by a participatory planning method. The importance of primary data is to understand deeply the real problems of small and medium business actors in the field, collected by using a survey method such as field observations, in-depth interviews by gathering small and medium business actors and related stakeholders in the area, undertaking forum group discussion. Secondary data are necessary to support the primary data analysis. Findings – The results showed that there is an abundance of marine resources, but the economic condition of small and medium business actors is far from expected. The income from small and medium business actors is not enough to feed their family’s daily needs due to low catching productivity and raw fish selling price. The regency government and province do not have clear and concrete policies to resolve firmly and thoroughly the economic problems of fishermen living in the coastal areas. Research limitations/implications –This study succeeds in providing two breakthrough strategic policies to improve the economic conditions of small and medium business actors, i.e. institutional and entrepreneurial innovations.</p> 2023-05-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Juli Meliza, Yenny Obsi Satra